Product profiles

From cg-parade ilriwikis

Participatory Agricultural Research: Approaches, Design and Evaluation


Oxford, 12-13 December 2013

PAR profiles

See other products

Before and during the meeting we collected information about different tools and approaches used by participants. The Profiles in this collection are based on the 25 'bus stop' presentations made during the workshop. These sessions basically allowed small groups of participants to interact with different 'stands' where approaches and tools were explained. The groups were asked to record their quick reactions to the different stands around some of the criteria mentioned below. (we need to elaborate each profile with more information from the surveys and the individual stand champions).

See also the PAR tool typology work

See also the 'quick and dirty' results of the 'bus stop' tool assessments in the workhop: File:product_profiles_busstops.xlsx


The standard template for each profile comprises the following (each still needs a little definition):

